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Judson Marte

VP of Magnetics

MP Materials

Judson Marte is the Vice President of Magnetics at MP Materials, where he is working
to fulfill MP&#39;s mission to restore the entire rare earth supply chain to the United States. 
He earned a BS, MS, and PhD in Materials Science and Engineering, and spent over
two decades in materials processing, manufacturing, and R&amp;D.  Jud has expertise in
magnetic materials, nanocrystalline alloys, and advanced metals for aerospace,
medical, and energy applications. He joined MP Materials in 2021, where he has
worked to build a team of magnet manufacturing experts.  Together they have designed
and are building a magnet making facility that takes rare earth oxide from MP&#39;s
Mountain Pass Mine and produces rare earth metals, and magnets from those metals.





Critical Materials for Permanent Magnets: Innovations Amidst Competing Priorities

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