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John Ebert

Small Title

Business Manager, Americas Industrial Div

Yunsheng USA

Coercivity and Demagnetization: Demystified

Magnetics is both simple and complex in the same breadth. Demagnetization,

as a concept, can be remarkably simple to explain. Coupled with the concept of

Coercivity, matters become complex. Add to it Eddy currents or the “Skin

effect”, Halbach array field effects and magnetic conductivity of the coating

materials, you have just multiplied the complexity of explaining the

demagnetization of Permanent Magnets.

We will tackle this subject to clarify some misnomers and confusion over the

types of demagnetization (recoverable vs irrecoverable), typical sources of

demagnetization (heat, field, fracture) and how to avoid them. We will attempt to

minimize magnetics terminology and focus on simple steps to protect your

magnets from demagnetization. Our objective is to transform you into an expert

on “preventing” demagnetization without needing to become an expert in


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